
Fair open access

Fair open access

Fair open access

Get open access to start, create open-source projects, earn credits from your work

Get open access to start, create open-source projects, earn credits from your work

Get open access to start, create open-source projects, earn credits from your work

What is fair open access?

Fair Open Access embodies transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration. It ensures that data science resources are accessible to all, fostering innovation and progress in research. By promoting up-to-date, actively maintained, and freely available tools, we empower scientists and researchers to drive breakthroughs and advance knowledge without barriers.

Why it matters?

The accessibility and use of data science resources remains a major hurdle, with 91% of GitHub codebases being outdated by over four years or inactive for more than two years. Open-source creators generally miss out on the benefits of their creations, leading to decreased engagement and innovation.

Fair Open Access is critical in today’s scientific landscape where data is the backbone of research and development. By adhering to these values, we can overcome the challenges posed by traditional access models, such as outdated and inaccessible resources, and pave the way for a more open, innovative, and equitable scientific community.

Gencovery's Fair Open Access initiative aims to provide easy-to-access, up-to-date, and actively supported data science resources. With Constellab, creators get open access to start, create open-source projects, earn credits from your work

We aims to build a robust community of open data science practitioners.

Join us to revolutionize the accessibility of data science resources and foster scientific discovery.

A virtuous cycle

Benefits for all

Data access
for all

Data access
for all

Data access
for all

Community engagement

Community engagement

Community engagement

codes & data

Core fair-open-acces values


Clear and open about processes, decisions, and code changes, allowing anyone to see and understand how the project operates


Welcoming and valuing contributions from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate and have their voice heard.


Encouraging teamwork and cooperation among contributors to build and improve the project collectively, leveraging the strengths and expertise of the community.